5 things to tell yourself to fight depression.

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Depression can be tough to handle, with feelings of quitting,sadness and lethargy affecting day to day life.

It greatly affects their morale, mental health and the way they function in their lives.

There are ways people with depression can come out of their Suffering.

People with depression can often help themselves to feel a little better. Saying positive things to oneself can go a long way in treatment as well as day to day life.

Below are 5 things not just mental patients, but any other person should say to themselves to come out of depression, or even otherwise

Tell yourself

I’m good enough.

Some people, especially those with depression, are often affected when they are told they’re “Not good enough”.

This is because they might immediately start believing that other people’s version and perspective of them is absolutely right and final.

They the start thinking that they are bad people, incompetent or simply losers.

They must, instead, actually remind themselves of their goodness, their good deeds, their strengths and their little victories. The next step is to also understand that , being told they’re not good enough, is neither a black mark of failure on their life, or a sign of total defeat, but rather a person’s opinion.

Whiich might be subject to change, and oftentimes need not necessarily be correct.

I’m getting better.

This can be a world of change to someone with depression. Depresses people need to understand that getting better is a sure sign of positivity. Telling themselves this will help them understand that the pain might be temporary, that the disease Wil lbe over and that there is scope of improvement and even recovery

Believing in the possibility of recovery can make depression patients more confident, hopeful, productive and even optimistic.

I can do this

This will create confidence. Confidence leads to productivity, success and eventually happiness that can help depressed people.

When great believers believe in themselves, they set themselves apart from the crowd, rise to the challenges and win big.

Great doers all over the world and throughout history, have all been great thinkers and believers. If people can think positively, they can believe positively. Ultimately, if they act positively, the results are something quite to behold.

They could even be little victories. Coming out of depression is an achievement on its own, and is worth celebrating a lot!

When depressed people realize the power within and discover the virtue positivity, they can do great things irrespective of their disease.

A popular example of depression patients is J.K. Rowling, author of the famous Harry Potter series. Someone who conquered depression, fighting situations like poverty and Rejection, to become one of the most successful authors of our era.

I deserve happiness.

Again, when depressed people are spoken to in a derogatory manner, they start misunderstanding themselves.Downtrodden people start thinking happiness will never be theirs. This leads to their Beliefs that they don’t deserve happiness or a place in the world.

This can harm them in a great number of ways. Showing themselves the positive side of life through self advice, Saying I deserve happiness, can prove to them that they are worthy of trust, capable of success and can be able to lead, normal, healthy lives, physically and mentally.

I’m not worthless.

For instance, when a person tells them they’re worthless, they start believing it as truth. It is advisable for patients not to believe these words wholeheartedly.

This gives them a sinking feeling. They get depressed, lose productivity and become reclusive.Telling themselves that they aren’t worthless can guide them through recovery, rekindling social ties and becoming productive,happy human beings.


As we know by now, positivity can do great things to the mind. Healthy minds are at the heart of societies and civilizations, raising standards of life,health, community and economy.

On the same note, it is our belief that everyone deserves to desire for and ultimately have that positivity. In India alone, 55 million people struggle with anxiety or depression. Imagine how much better the world will be if these stats change for the better.

So it is time depressed people started helping themselves to positive opportunity, and the whole world to be a little kinder and healthier in thoughts, words and action.

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